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Cancellation Policy
If you cancel at least 28 days before the event, you will get a full refund minus a $15 processing fee. If you cancel 15-27 days before the event you will receive a full refund minus a $50 processing fee unless a replacement is found. In this case, thee is a $15 fee. If you cancel 8-14 days before the event, you will receive a full refund minus a $70 processing fee. If you cancel less than 8 days before the event, no refunds or credits will be given. The hotel follows their own policy. Their policy is usually 24 hours in advanced. You may sell your spot to an individual who is willing to sit in your spot, however you must notify Creative Crops. Creative Crops is not responsible if an individual is unable to come due to weather or sickness.
Please call me with any questions.
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